Hii, this is Deep Talwarkar. It’s been six years, I’m treating at Anjani Eye Hospital. As eye is sensitive part we must take care of it at best. For that first name came in my mind is Anjani Eye Care. It’s great experience with them.

Deep Talwarkar
Thank you for this wonderful tour of your hospital and also your hospitality. I am very impressed by the setup, especially the medical records department, which is unusual in private practice. I am glad to meet such wonderful people. I wish all of you all the best, and invite you to L.V Prasad.
Dr. Somashala Murthy
L V Prasad Hospital
It is a first to my eyes to see the wonderful ophthalmic setup which is a high tech destination rendering wonderful community service. My wife Geeta joins me in congratulating you & wishing you all the success.
Dr. Nitin Malkan
Ophthalmologist, Mumbai
Very good facilities / system with historical perspective in Ophthalmic practice.
Dr. Virendra S. Sangwan
Cornea Surgeon
Great to see the way this hospital has developed into what it is now. Tremendous service to all your patients.
Dr. Merle Fernandes
Director, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Vizak
Wonderful eye hospital and more importantly wonderful people behind it. Congrats keep up the good work.
Dr. Rishi Swarup
Cornea Surgeon, Swarup Eye Hospital
Very good setup to cater all sections of patients and well spread of facilities. The hospital has great potential to prosper and do good service to people of Nagpur and central India. Young team of Ophthalmologists make it strong for the decades to come. I wish you all the best.